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Winds of Change

The winds of change began blowing across my life,
long ago, but I never noticed.
Just weathered the storms that tried to stop me.
The winds of change blew across my life,
Causing me to shout in despair....
Oh yes, I 've been beatened black and blue,
All for the love of you...
Once again the winds of change blew,
I flew like a sparrow in a hurricane,
Caught a rainbow and sprouted through the pain.
The wings of change blew gentler it seemed,
I grew too self-confident, smug in my own world,
The storms of life buffeted me,
Tumbled me about,
All the broken hearts, fears and doubts haunted me,
Yet, like a mighty oak, I bent the way the wind blew,
For the moment I had someone to share my life with.
The winds of change continue to blow in my life,
I am alone again, fighting the pain again,
But this time I understand, and welcome the change,
It isn't love when you're demeaned, beaten black and blue,
ridiculed for your beliefs, and taken for granted.
Love is treating someone with respect,
kindness, and honorable intentions.
Love is sharing and loving someone to the very depth of your soul.
Until then, I can weather the winds of change,
and the stormy turrents of life.........
Donna Layne Roberts 1996

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