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Survival Memories

There have been times that I felt that I would not survive.
Yet there is one thing that keeps me alive,
I have not had the pleasure that so many have,
that with their lover they enjoy their lives,
Now, I know that they are right,
Love is the reason, that gives them the might,
the will, the strength to carry on.

I, who had scoffed at all these things, I went through....
A raging pathological illogical time,
That nearly drove me totally insane,
No,each critical moment in my life,
Has not the power to cause me strife,
For there will be a time, and there will be an end
And I will begin again,
Love will find me again,
If indeed I had ever had that love,
that will last for all eternity.

Donna Layne Roberts

March 1, 1996

Copyright 1996

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