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Ferriswheels and Thunderstorms

Ferris Wheels and Thunderstorms:
Rainbows shining in the sky,
What dreams are floating by?
Riding in a summer ride,

Ferris Wheels and Thunderstorms,
Summer sunshine, morning breeze,
Hummingbirds and morning doves,
Tree tops glistens, rain smells great,

Ferris wheels and Thunderstorms,
Rainbows light the darkening sky,
Way up high on the ferris wheel,
Looking down, on the people who look like ants,

Ferris wheels and Thunderstorms,
All the joy of childish memories,
Cotton candy, and hot dogs on a bun,
Striking out in a little league game,

Rainbows light up the sky,
Magical glimmers to bring a smile,
Ice cream cones that last a short while,
Joys of childhood memories,

Ferris wheels and thunderstorms,
Rainbows, and raindrops
Puddles to splash in,
And rainbows to wish upon.

Donna Layne Roberts copyright 2002

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