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Dreams of Hope

Dreams of Hope,

Dreams of Love

Dreams that stems from faith

In the Lord Above

Live not in Despair,

Nor in Fear,

Want the dreams

Need the love

There's plenty to share

Despite the terrorists that rule our world

Unite in prayer,

Unite in strength,

For in faith,

Hope and Love,

Despair and fear,

Stand not the chance

When people unite and take up the Stance

Humankind cannot be squashed,

For in our hearts and our spirits

We remain strong

IN light of the tears,

In light of the woes,

To realize their 'mission unfolded"

A reign of terror they thought would reign,

They forgot one thing,

In God we trust,

In all things of God,

He shows us love, hope,

Comes out of Despair,

Our nation was born,

and Strengthen in the face of fear

We are a nation built on Dreams of Hope

We will survive and we can cope

Donna Layne Roberts


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