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Bitter Memories

Bitter memories are like poison to a broken heart.
There's no need to looking back,
Into hurtful words, and promises broken,
Bitter memories shatter the night,
Plunge one into too many regrets,
Make up your mind to get over a broken heart,

Sitting at the local dance hall,
Drinking down a cool longneck bottle of brew
Watching every woman who seems to look just like me.

Are you wanting the bitter memories to add to your pain?
Regretting the past and placing the blame,
How can you say you have nothing to gain,
By getting back to the dating game?
Get a good grip and put aside the pain,
Have a stiff drink to wash the bitter memories away!

For life is too short to be full of regrets
Start life anew 'cause its a new day.
Bitter memories shatter the night,
Plunge one into too many regrets...
It's time to get over a broken heart.

Donna Layne Roberts


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