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Why waste time?

Why waste time,
I saw through your lying,
Love is just a game with you.
It isn't a blame you see,
For love is love if its real
And pretending doesnt last.

Life is too short,
Why waste time,
Go slow get it right,
Don't play with your life,
Find yourself, and just move on,

I saw through your lying that
You said your love was for eternity
You were just like all the rest,
You aren't the best
Nor will you ever be.

You said you were different,
But all you could see,
Was I had a job, I had a grand house,
And I had an ex that was a louse,
You stooped to a level
I understand now,

Soulmate, lovemate, eternal flames
To you it was all a game.

Thank goodness I got out before your
shame caught me and destroyed me
Like a moth when drawn to a flame.

Donna Layne Roberts 2002


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