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Word Of Thoughts

Looking at the cars,
From my front porch,
Within a prison of my own making,
My heart is under lock and key.
I couldnt bring myself to dare once again,
Within the very core of me,
To breathe with life and love in vain.

Where are they going,
Where have they been?
Is life the answer to all of the pain,
Have we anything to gain,
In love or hate at all?

What is the need that makes us want to love,
Is it the rhyme and reason of him up above?
From my front porch, I watch two lovers walking,
Hand in hand they go, their love practically glows,
In this life do we have anything to gain?
Risking the love and fighting the pain?
Where are they going,
Where are they now?
Tell me how,
Show me how,
I want to love for now.

Donna Layne Roberts 2002


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