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Sunset Memories

I remember, I remember
How you loved to walk,
Down by the beach,

Hand in hand your little hand in mine,
Oh, I remember, I remember,
Protective big brother you are.

I can remember the passage of time,
It has a way of sneaking up on one,
I remember, I remember, how you
Hugged and hugged, as though your
LIfe depended on it, just to survive the day.

Those special memories,
Bingo and you,
Goldfish bowls, and carnivals,

Wait a minute, wait a minute,
Let me say goodbye,
"Aw, Ma, it's just a dance,
Quit, you're embarrassing me"

I remember, I remember
I am so proud of you.

Donna Layne Roberts

March 1, 1996

Copyright 1996

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