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Holidays Memories

Sweet sweet memories,

The feel of sunkissed dew upon a face,

The feel of a wee tiny baby's hands,

The memory of hearing raindrops,

I cannot hear, but I can feel.

The steady beating of a loved one's heart,

The look of anguish on lovers faces as they part,

The cry of joy, laughing dimples on a face,

Christmas is near!

The floating of clouds across the sky,

The trembling of a nervous guy.

Feelings and memories,

Tell me, tell me, once again:

I do not hear, yet I can see,

I can hurt, and I can cry,

I can laugh and I can die,

Jub because I am deaf,

I am no different from you.

Being deaf is not a tragedy,

But an asset for me.

Donna Layne Roberts 2002

Donna Layne Roberts


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