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Burning Bridges

Everytime I made a change,

On the pathway of life,

I feel like I'm burning a bridge behind me.

Don't look back, no regrets,

Take another step forward,

Don't know for sure how my life will go,

Just burning bridges,

Not looking back, no regrets.

All my life I've made some choices, some pretty bad,

Some mighty fine.

If every time I leave someone,

My heart has a feeling it can't define,

Just burning bridges, can't look back,

Trying to find a soulmate,

Don't worry about yesterday,

Or what might have been,

Just move on with my life,

Don't look back.

There will always be tomorrow,

Burn another bridge, or simply build a new one,

To cross over to a brand new place,

Don't look back, have no regrets,

Life choices everyone makes,

What burns down can be built up,

To start all over again.

Donna Layne Roberts copyright 1996

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