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Dragons on the Shore

Dragons, dragon on the shore,
Snoring, whipping up the waves,
Somebody please, wake them up,
The fishermen can't fish
Waves are too big for their boats,

Dragons, dragons in their caves,
somebody please distract them,
They have treasures galore,
That men have craved evermore,
Silver, gold, diamonds and coins,
A rich man's dream impeded by
Dragons in their caves.

Dragons, dragons upon the forest floor,
Letting out great big puffs of smoke in their sleep,
The forest was so dark and deep that the smoke
signaled their presence
and made villagers quake in fear for
their puffs of smoke just might start a fire,
with a tiny spark.

Listen children hear my stories of
dragons, dragons and more.
If you dream of dragons, fairies,
and elves, the magical power
of dream and schemes.

Dragons, dragon galore,
They fill the sky with the whisper of their
Might winds, and shoot flames as they
give out their conceeerted roars.

Donna Layne Roberts 1994

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