Rainbow Illusions
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Into The Night

Multicolored rainbows color the night,
The northern lights splash the palet of
Colors, a beautiful sight,

Makes me wish and long for someone to
Hold tight,
Doesn't matter who, just someone to love

But being alone, just for the moment,
It really doesn't take away from the event,
For Northern Lights are beautiful,
A powerful sight,

Sometimes the night gets lonely,
but I don't stop to dwell,
I look at the stars and out into the night,
Knowing in my heart there's someone out there too,
Looking at the stars, wondering where she is,
Just as I am,
But life goes on, and the stars fade out
Into the day,
Again a palette of colors splash against the sky,
Dreaming in color,
Dreaming out loud,
Life goes on,
and the stars come out into the night.

Copy right 2002 Donna Layne Roberts

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