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Growing Old

I have so many memories that I cannot fit them ,
On the carasol of life, my life was never standing still:
I'll never know what's God's will,
Life's tiny pleasure rarely slowed me down,
For I was spinning recklessly,
On a spinning wheel that never stopped,
The wheel of endless tragedies,
Endless circles of anguished dreams,
Oh yes, and multicolored spun memories,
That are never what they seem,
Like a spinning tornado,
Whirling past in a blue,
Wrecking havoc on emotions,
That I never knew I had.
So many multicolored memories,
Spinning out of control,
Don't know if I could stop them all,
To keep just the ones that are gold,
For life is made of multicolored memories,
That's the treasure of growing old.

Donna Layne Roberts

March 1, 1996

Copyright 1996

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