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Once in a Lifetime

Once in a lifetime I thought that I could love you,
One in a lifetime, I thought you were the one,
Never in my wildest dreams could I have ever known
The cruel harsh person that crashed my dreams all down.

Once in a life time, I thought I could love you,
I thought at last, I have a true love that would last,
But twice in a lifetime, you've shown what you could do,
Manipulate, insinuate, not once did you hestitate,
Raised that fist and smashed it into my body once again,

Bruised and battered, torn and shattered, I tried to escape,
But still you continued, still you persisted,
To go on with your unmitigated hate
Once in a lifetime, I thought I could love you,
Once in a lifetime, I thought you were the one,
Never in my trusting heart,
Never thought I'd ever part,
Yet, now I know, now I know,
What you didn't really know
this wasn't love that you could show.

Once in a lifetime, what a thought,
But now in my lifetime, I realize,
That I am one of the lucky ones,
I got away from you alive.

Donna Layne Roberts

March 1, 1996

Copyright 1996

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