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Depression Poems

These poems are poems about my depression. "Darkness" has got to be my favorite poem I've written so far. I wrote it when I was in my car, coming home from school. I added two new poems at the bottom. "All I See Is Black" was written July 1, 2003, and "Give Me A New Home" was written July 6, 2003.

Nobody Understands

Nobody uderstands what I feel for him,

The depression I go through, why can't I win?

Nobody understands how I feel inside,

How I react to all my pain, who's on my side?

Nobody understands all my emotions and fears,

What I go through everyday, I've shed so many tears.

Nobody understands how these people treat me,

Do I even matter to them? Why can't they see?

Nobody understands what's going on in my head,

I get so down, I just lay down in bed.

Nobody understands why I get so pissed off,

My life, I can't take it, it just gets too rough.

Nobody understands what I do to make things right,

All the hard work I do day and night.

Nobody understands all I need is a hand,

Nobody understands, nobody understands.


Tears of saddness I cannot hide,

Rules like these I can't abide.

Raging emotions dying to come out,

Certain feelings I know nothing about.

People all around me don't understand,

I'm starting to fall, someone give me a hand.

Darkness is taking over and pulling me down,

On my face, all you see is a frown.

Everyone out there is alien to me,

Telling me they care, but they just don't see.

I push them away, I wanna be alone.

I hide all my feelings, making myself unknown.

Hovering in the dark, the end is near,

I've lost it all, even my fear.

I'd come to a point, I think I see the light,

Even for one sudden moment, it shines so bright.

But until the light takes over the dark,

My love for it will still be my mark.

Its stronger force will take over and win,

It can save me, it just has to give in.

All I See Is Black

This world is full of beautiful colors.

A peaceful ocean blue,

The exquisite pinks and purples of sunsets,

The green of fresh cut grass,

The bright red and yellow of apples,

But all I see is black.

Black clouds cover my heart and my soul.

There's no room to breathe,

No room to see who's by my side.

I'm all by myself.

No one to turn to but the obscurity of this place that is my home.

I used to see those colors,

The red of deep friendships,

The blue of trustworthiness ,

The pinks and purples of beauty,

The green of honesty.

Where did the colors go?

Somebody please tell me,

Cause now all I see is black.

Give Me A New Home

I feel my heart being crushed into the tiniest pieces,

It lost the definition of love.

My soul feels troubled and lost,

Not knowing who to turn to, who's by my side.

My mind is aching,

Full of these ludicrous ideas that seem so appealing.

Would somebody just put me out of this pain?

Take my heart and piece it back together,

Help it to find what's lost.

Teach my soul to trust again,

Show it something that's worth it.

Give my mind pure knowledge,

Rid it of these evil thoughts.

Give me a new home.

My Poetry