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Friend Poems

These poems are ones I've written for/about friends. I really like "The Girl Who Talked Too Much." Itz one of my first poems. I was just really bored and I wanted to write, so I just did. I guess itz a poem/story.

The Girl Who Talked Too Much

I once had a friend named Allison, who had copper hair,

She was impatient and snobby and didn't seem to care.

Everyday at school she would talk too much indeed,

Of boys and friends and *Nsync men, that I began to plead,

"Please stop oh Allison! For sure everyone is getting mad,

Of your constant blabbing and such but please do not get sad."

She looked at me with penetration and turned her head away,

I could tell she was upset but there was nothing I could say.

That girl began to talk again, spreading rude lies about me,

And I just stared in disbelief, my friend she used to be.

Then in came Justin, my strong, hot man, who wasn't very pleased,

With the lies that girl was spreading of me, the girl she teased.

He said, "Allison, get up and beg cause no one talks of my girl like that!"

She said, "Do I care you ugly little RAT?"

They had begun to fight and quarrel over something very small,

I really had no use to pay any attention, not at all.

I left the room and sat in the hall 'til Justin came out and said,

"Allson is dead, for I have killed her. No more lies to spread."

Everyone cheered and everyone danced, but I just sat there sad,

For she still was my friend deep down and not at all was I glad.

I left school that day and cried all night, "How could this happen?" I thought to myself.

Then I saw it, a childhood picture, sitting on my shelf.

It was Alli and I as little kids, what a friendship we did lose,

For sure after that day, I will always have the blues.

Well, all grown up now, and getting over it, and the picture I always clutch,

For once I did know a girl, who talked too much.


I sit here and think of when we first met,

I remember how we didn't know eachother yet.

How we misjudged eachother and how we were mean,

But yet we had never seen

Eachother. But after we talked

For a while, I began to get shocked.

You were pretty cool.

So after a while, I felt like a fool.

How could I judge someone I didn't know?

Behind her back, how could I call her a ho?

I made some mistakes and I'm sorry for that,

Cuz now, I really love to chat

With you. And deep down I know that you are good.

And sometimes I don't show that when I know I should.

You're a great friend and you have a good personality,

And I do care about you, maybe someday you'll see.

That Was Then, This Is Now

We were best friends and practically sisters,

No one even came close to you in my eyes.

We used to laugh and play and make silly jokes,

And back then we weren't even thinking about guys.

Nobody could seperate us, not even our Moms,

We were in our own little world filled with truth and love.

When one had a secret, we could always tell the other,

When we were trying to accomplish a dream, there was no push or shove.

Those days were great and I'll remember them always.

Even in my 50's I will think of you.

But now is when I'm crying out,

What happened to us, the inseperable two?

We've gone our seperate ways, and no, it will never be the same.

Even though sometimes I wish that someday it'll happen,

It was all in the past, and this is the present,

And no matter how much I wish, it'll never be like back then.

But aren't we allowed to dream?

Or was that all in the past too?

Do you remember those days,

When it was just me and you?

Well I do. And no one will ever relate.

You have your own place in my thoughts.

No one could ever compare to the friendship we had.

And forever and always, I will love you lots.

I guess this is the end of our whatever it was,

Will you remember too, when you're 50 something?

Or is this just the beginning of something to come?

It's your decision, is it all, or nothing?

Together As One

Thanks for being there for me,

You'll alwayz be in my heart.

No matter what happens between us,

We will never part.

You've been with me through thick and thin,

And you will be 'til the end.

So in return I'll be there for you,

My hand to you I'll alwayz lend.

We're two of a kind,

We are inserapable,

Until we lay in our deathbeds,

Our friendship will be able.

I've made my mistakes,

And you've made yours,

We've been through it all,

And maybe even more.

Someday we'll get married,

And our lives will be almost done,

But we'll alwayz be together,

Together as one.

My Poetry