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Other Poems

These poems didn't fit into any of the other categories. "Ode To Justin" was written to my dog who died in October of 2001, and "Are We To Blame?" was written a while after the 9/11 attacks.

Ode To Justin

I really miss you Justin, you'll always be in my heart. The thought of your happiness when you left brings tears to my eyes. Knowing now that you can run and play and breathe normally, brings joy to my heart. But knowing you're not here with me upsets me. I loved you so much, you were my best friend, and I know someday I'll see you again. But here and now is what's making me cry, knowing you're not here when I come home from school or when I call your name. Nobody can ever replace you. To even think of that makes me cry. Just one thing I ask of you, Justin, please don't forget me.

Are We To Blame?

The world is lost,

It has no shame,

We turn to ourselves,

Are we to blame?

The world is lost,

It's broken and torn,

We have no pride,

I sit and mourn.

The world is lost,

It's covered in sin,

War all around,

We need to pick up our chin.

The world is lost,

It's begun to decay,

Our trust is broken,

We have nothing to say.

The world is lost,

Kids acting up,

Parents starting to drink,

Strangers saying "W'sup?"

The world is lost,

Poverty all around,

Children crying out,

Can you hear the sound?

The world is lost,

The Bible is gone,

God sits and watches,

What have we done?

The world is lost,

What can we do?

All this hate,

Where are we headed to?

The world is lost,

It has no shame,

We turn to ourselves,

Are we to blame?

My Poetry