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Spring has arrived upon the scene.
Grass and trees are turning green.
Awakening earth is a verdant floor...

Time to get out the lawn mower!

Flowers burst forth as if on cue,
Painting the world a vibrant hue.
Colorful blossoms bold and bright...

Not mine...dandelions are white!

Birds of spring now join the rest
To build anew their family nest.
Birdhouses abound with good intent...

Why do they prefer my dryer vent?

All little insects on this earth
Know it's time for giving birth,
Spring now brings a birthing boom...

My backyard is the delivery room!

Living things in spring are rife,
Earth brings forth affable life--
Dragonflies, honeybees, ladybugs...

Also slimy worms and ugly slugs!

Beautiful creature the butterfly,
Lovely to see as they flutter by,
Flashes of color on gossamer wings...

I get nasty gnats...stingy things!

Spring promises a bright blue sky,
Wispy white clouds wafting on high,
Soft spring showers long overdue...

What we get is a tornado or two!

The sounds of spring fill the air,
A symphony meant for all to share.
I dare not silence spring's voice...

But excuse me, if I don't rejoice!

J. J. Shirley
© 1998

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