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Spring has arrived upon the scene.

Grass and trees are turning green.

Awakening earth is a verdant floor.

Could mere mortals wish for more?


Flowers burst forth as if on cue,

Painting the world a vibrant hue.

Colorful blossoms bold and bright.

Floral perfume pervades the night.


Birds of spring now join the rest

To build anew their family nest.

Birdhouses abound with good intent,

A safe haven for the birthing event.

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All little insects on this earth

Know it's time for giving birth.

Spring now brings a birthing boom,

For every creature earth has room.

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Living things in spring are rife;

Earth brings forth affable life--

Dragonflies, honeybees, ladybugs,

Working magic with nature's drugs,

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Beautiful creature the butterfly.

Lovely to see as they flutter by,

Flashes of color on gossamer wing,

Flaunting beauty in an aura of spring.

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Spring promises a bright blue sky,

Wispy white clouds wafting on high,

Soft spring showers long overdue,

Sprinkling earth with heavenly dew.


The sounds of spring fill the air,

A symphony meant for all to share;

I dare not silence spring's voice--

An invitation to awake and rejoice.


J. J. Shirley
© 1998

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