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Anti-Abortion RobSigz

Quick news flash from RobSigz...abortion? You know, that "right" women have to "terminate" their pregnancies by a "choice" they have? There's one word to describe it perfectly...MURDER!

That being said, RobSigz is devoted to ending this state-sponsored homicide in its own little way. Display these with pride.

And, those of you waiting for a pro-choice RobSigz for balance, you'll have a long wait...until about the time Hell freezes over, and Satan gives out complimentary sno-cones. Have a nice day.

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Copyright, RobSigz, M to the M to the I to the V. All Rights Reserved. Even Try And Screw Me Over, and I Will Devour Your Very Soul Before Your Horrified Eyes With Some Flava Beans.