Error 404
well you obviously screwed up now didnt you? look what you did! you made my site vanish! or maybe i just havent put this page up yet or have a faulty link. either/or. just hit back and continue where you left off or else Pumpkin Jim will eat you...muaahaha...evil laugh. just look at him...look how scary he is..ooooooooooooooooooooo...scary. isn't he scary?
i think hes scary. maybe its because he has funny legs. i wonder how he walks. and he has no hands either. and corn sticking out of his pocket. wow this guy is weird. probably insane, so you may want to stay clear of him if you can. he seems like he would be pretty good at playing clue. professor plum in the conservatory with the candlestick....why would professor plum use the candlestick? i just dont understand. can you tell me? please, i would really like to know. that is a really small mansion in clue...8 rooms? what mansion has only 8 rooms? and no bathroom! maybe they have an outhouse..i dont know. rich hillbilly weirdos with their fancy ropes and candlesticks and revolvers. pumpkins are cool...if i were in clue i would kill people with pumpkins. that would be fun. not in real life though, thats just horrible. freak, you think im that crazy???? suuuuuuuuuuure...get away from me. go back and eat your pancakes you pancake weirdo. mmmmmmmmm..pancakes. paaaaaancakes and baaacon. rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant rant ran 5tntanr na tnra tnrant anftnra nf rant nt rant rnrant rnaf anftnafnajf. rant. blues traveler is awesome. dont deny it, you love them. so go back before Sir Pumpkin Jack eats you.....yes that whole time ive been ranting, he has been knighted. and for some reason decided he liked the name jack better than jim.....i dont know, ask him why. go on him and find out.