the little things
ahhhh...the little things in life. everybody takes the little things for granted and dont take the time to realize how wonderful they really are. people become too infatuated about what they want in life (money, attention, comfort), or what they want out of life (fun, happiness), that they just totally overlook everything that sits right in front of them. most materials dont matter. they dont bring fun or happiness in the way most people want. like the saying goes, the best things in life are free. and they really are. i know most people who read this, are going, yes roger i already know this, why rant about it? well i just am ok? i find the little things to be the most amazing things in the world, and yet, some people would rather spend their time doing nothing other than trying to have as much fun as they can. why spend time trying to have fun, when you can actually have tons of fun without even trying hard? bah, it bugs me.
breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day, but unfortunately i hardly ever get to eat breakfast because i always have to get up and go to school or work. so usually about every saturday, i wake up, and get my shower and everything and then either turn on the tv, if there is something on, or put on some music and cook myself a nice big breakfast. then when i am done i sit down and take my time eating my big breakfast and drinking my glass of milk. i love that. what is better than enjoying a good meal, than knowing you prepared it yourself huh? you see? its those little things! even in dreams the little things are the best. just sitting back, relaxin in a hammock, having a great girl next to me, the gentle wind calmly blowing over us, stars twirling around our head, and hand in hand, having a great, lengthy, and interesting conversation with her. what more could i ask for? ha...really? simple simple simple. bah! even by taking out the comfort of the girl i would be totally happy. in fact, one of the most amazing things i have ever done went down sort of like that. laying outside, about midnight, with nothing but the sky above me and the feel and soothing sound of the wind around me. it was a perfect mixture to put me to sleep, and sure enough, i did fall asleep. time did not exist for me while out there. nothing mattered. nothing worried me...i was at total peace with myself. when i woke up, words cannot even begin to describe the way i felt. it was just really really great. i then got up and realized i was outside for like 2 hours then went straight to bed and had probaly the best nights sleep ever. its just so simple yet so amazing.
i just dont understand why most people dont take the time to experience something so amazing that is so simple. even if you dont have time, make time. sometimes it doesnt take long at all to enjoy life. sit outside and look at the stars, sit by a stream and listen to the water flow, observe the beauty of a little flower, eat chocolate, let your best friends know how cool they are, read a book, cook food, go singin in the rain, compose music, take a soothing bath or shower, give a friend a hug (not an obnoxious hug, a short, warm, and caring hug), go for a stroll, and my personal favorite, just shut up and listen. you never know what nature is gonna tell you next, and if your too busy yappin, then you just may miss it. now im not saying stop talking all the time, but instead just take the time to listen, especially if people take their time to listen to you. and sometimes you dont even have to listen with your ears. you have 5 senses, use them, mix them together. feel with your eyes, listen with your touch, see with your ears, and taste with your smell and so on...everything can be intertwined. nature expresses herself in many ways and is best examined using every sense you have available. block out the material things in life and enjoy the simplicity of life and the simplicity of nature. bring a friend along if you wish and share the peace. its all about the little things, ya dig?
ok i believe i am done