A sword shone from the bottom of the lake,
And the autumn day dawned brisk and bright.
As the single black crow greeted daybreak,
Deer Abbey knew the time was right.
With her customary poise and grace,
She looked one last time into our eyes;
She bade us life's mysteries always embrace
Then she bade us her final goodbyes.
Paris Pendragon awaited her sign
For the Journey to Avalon's Vale
Where the Rainbow's light ever will shine
A happily-ever-after faery tale.
They joined together for the final walk
To the place where all wounds will be healed
And pain washes away like rain on chalk,
And the letter of our lives will be sealed.
Where hearts and legs are always just right
And there is joy in dancing with old friends;
Worries and cares have all taken flight
And the love and the light never ends.
Those of us left grieve the loss of our Queen,
Pendragoned in Brogdar's Holy Ring;
Abbey will be with us, though unseen
Watching with her Once and Future King.
So Younglings and Its, mind your manners well
That Paris and Abbey will be proud.
All roils join in a final farewell spell
And a wee dram for the older crowd.
Amazing Grace played at the soccer game
By mysterious pipers far away
In a world that never can be the same
Since that strange and miraculous day.
Time with you was a blessing unsurpassed,
And we promise to remember you well;
Deer Abbey and Paris, find rest at last.
Love lives on, as generations will tell.