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The Matter of The Roil Wedding


 Legends auld of Great Love told,
 Stories that last for all time.
 Stars that cross the brave and bold
 Caught in their glorified prime.
 Behold love slow to unfold,
 Found at the top of life's climb.

 Pendragons from Highlands come
 And Paris caused quite a stir.
 Wonder was how a wise voice
 Spoke from such gorgeous fur.
 Loyal were those who loved him
 That millenium ago,
 And so the circle of friends
 Did visit and laugh and grow.
 Roils prepared for Y2K,
 Together they joked and smirked;
 From Oz they all heard the news
 That, imagine, everything worked!
 Even struggling with a book
 Still they managed to stay friends
 But as the wheel always turns,
 Every sweet season ends.
 They found careers and children;
 Precious ones died much too soon.
 They prayed or danced for the sick
 And sang their songs to the moon.
 Some sought degrees and titles
 Some, beauty to mesmerize.
 And all the boys were in love
 With Abbey's mysterious eyes.
 The Pendragon waited long
 To make tender feelings heard
 But then on Valentine Eve
 He finally spoke the word.
 Seems he'd always loved Abbey;
 He asked her to be his wife
To walk together in beauty
 For all the rest of this life.
 Great Love in legend lives on
 Of this the minstrals still sing
 Every sunset turns into dawn
 And winter rites into spring.
 Time is different in Avalon
 For Abbey and Paris, Her King.

 Underneath the Paschal moon
 In the blest Year of the Dog
 Abbey and Her Pendragon stood
 At Brogdar's Ring in the fog,
 And all had been transported
 To the Rainbow Forest glen
 Taibet, Glenda, and Persey
 Joyfully welcomed them in.
 Magick glowed all around them
 Directions anchored in place;
 Queen Whisper reigned in the North,
 Refined elegance and grace.
 Queen Brianna, South of South
 Approvingly eyed the fire;
 Feast proceedings in the East
 Were watched by the iggie choir.
 The Cometstone was buzzing
 With traffic both big and small.
 Faeries, birds, and flying freaks,
 The food bade: Come One!Come All!
 Delicacies from every land,
 Pools of mead, milk and wine,
 Gingery dainties to delight
 Creatures mundane and divine.
 Alert in her corracle
 With ever-spiraling mist,
 Gently rocked by Loch Stennes,
 Sat Zephyr,wild westwind kissed.
 Sprites and Undines worked with her,
 And they focused their intent.
Everyone wanted to be part
 Of this magickal event.
 East for a new direction
 For growth and the rising sun.
 North for Mother Protection
 West for the day that is done.
 South for lasting affection
 Great Love as two become one.

 Priestess Pagan cavorted
 In the gently lapping waves;
 She had called these spirits up
 From their underwater caves.
 Who knew it would be easy?
 She dribbled some happy drops.
 She liked it at the water
 But warily watched the treetops.
 Siofra made bonfire sparks fly
 Before a glamorous form
 Lavish in commanding calm
 But in her eyes a firestorm.
 Her pillows were of velvet,
 Her cloak, red wine and gold.
 Ms Hound possessed the beauty
 That is neither young nor old.
 But it was surely the air
 That was busiest this night
 As the wind teased and tossed;
 Air traffic control was a fright.
 Aviatrix Ariel
 Showed her acrobatic skill.
 Leaping, racing, and barking,
 She zoomed up and down the hill.
 Meanwhile on the Cometstone
 The splendors stretch on and on.
 Lotus arranged in rockbowls,
 Feathers and silk and chiffon.
 Gardenias in the rainpools,
 Delicacies from a gypsy.
 Many wee drams passed about
More than one faery was tipsy.
 Right in the midst of it all,
 Miss Pepper Cu Hassan shone,
 Bejeweled in her amethyst
 Looking like she owned that stone.
 From her posture it was clear
 Her power was in the air,
 Gathered for the holding
 That magick has brought to bear.
 Henna it was stole the show
 Fertility rights fulfilled.
 Actually, her puppies did.
 They nursed and toddled and milled.
 Where they breathed their puppy breath
 Violets began to bloom
 Then the one that was silver
 Began to chew on the broom.
 Fire of transformation,
 For passion lives in the heart.
 Earth for a firm foundation,
 The Air to breathe a wise start.
 Water for depth and duration.
 Spirits shall not be apart.

 Blessings of the elements
 The directions holding place,
 The grey army for traffic,
 The callers were welcomed with grace
 By Talorgen soon-be laird,
 Hunks Weyland, Mackie and Nate.
 Hamish and Monty greeted
 The guests in grandeur ornate.
 Jewels, brocades, and leathers,
 The roils came stepping with style.
 McBain the Piper piping,
 Kullen beside him awhile.
 Beads, feathers, furbelows,
 Tartans from every clan
 Gathered around the circle,
 Each one according to plan.

  Touched by how many roils came,
 The Pendragon bowed his head.
 He was glad old and new friends
 Had come to witness them wed.
 When he looked in Abbey's eyes
 And saw the love that was there,
 He knew this was forever,
 This love they would always share.
 The seasonals were working
 Getting preparations right.
 Witchess Grace is Artemis
 Of the summer beings bright.
 Saysha Angel of Autumn
 The real princess at the pool.
 Istari protected proudly,
 The dad who invented cool.
 Simone of spring was busy
 She looked on the stressed-out side.
 Finally the time was right
 And what a beautiful bride!
 Wedding of the century
 The circle had already been cast
 With the Seed Moon's rising,
 Now as it was in the past.
 As starting time grew closer,
 Standing stones began to hum.
 Every heart was beating fast,
 Orion beating the drum.
 The witnesses surrounded,
 While Ancients gathered behind.
 Everyhound began to think
 Together as with one mind.
 When Brogdar's stones are singing
 Oak has sprung up in the glen;
 Wedding bells will be ringing,
 An abbey where none had been
 Made of mists that are clinging.
 The Merlin has done it again.

  Shimmering in all colors
 By light of Peony Moon,
 Lilacs, lilies, and dogwoods
 Arranged all over the room
 The mist cathedral sparkled;
 Round the stones, roses now grew,
 Traditions all were honored.
 Something borrowed, something blue.
 Abbey's ladies in waiting
 Performed every beauty spell.
 Tara and Gena helping,
 And Sparkle for Love and Belle.
 The bride-to-be was radiant.
 She already looked like a queen.
 T'was time for a procession
 T'was time for roils to convene.
 The walking started slowly
 So that everyone could see
 Bridesmaids in every manner
 Of couture roil finery.
 Soulstice Sisters led the way
 Spilling lavender flowers:
 Strawberry Moon and Summer,
 Protecting with Midsummer powers.
 Next came strutting Baby Cat,
 Dancing with the faery dust,
 And India and Iowa,
 Trying to look august.
 Chivas postured all business,
 Her bling bling gave her away.
 Eby reprised her Isadora,
 Famous in its day.
 Mika did a runway slink
 To do any model proud.
 Contessa Lucy the Stellar
 With poise dignified the crowd,
 Followed by lovely Miss Pris,
 Daisy and Berkeley Penny.
 Honored Matron was Caitlyn;
 Well wishes were many.

  Alirushin looked striking,
 Her necklace, Byzantine green.
 She sidled near Deer Abbey,
 Taking in the magick scene.
 Abbey sparkled quicksilver,
 Lavender stuck in her fur,
 Heather woven in her crown,
 She seemed ready to pur.
 Groomsmen were led by Sylvan
 With cedar, sweetgrass, and sage,
 Shaman medicine for the earth
 The spirits here to engage.
 Then came Professor Schuey,
 Standing as proud as can be.
 Sinjon, Chancellor, and Nigel
 With handsome's highest degree.
 Next came brothers Sinn and Stag
 And Flag who could stop a truck;
 All come to ward off evil
 And bring to the groom good luck.
 Then there's Mungo, trusted friend.
 In charge of spoons for each guest
 He who wrote the press release
 Risen to every request.
 Aengus walked, the other saint,
 McDermott for Pibroch Clan.
 And then Best Dog Saint Crispin,
 Saint since the Roils first began.
 Carrying a silver box,
 Capy carried one of wood.
 One to leave for the sacred ring,
 One to remember the good.
 The Pendragon's Roil Collar
 Was a match to Abbey Deer.
 And as he gazed upon her,
 The love in his eyes was clear.
 When they stepped into the circle,
 Violets fell like purple snow.
 From the back of Glenda's broom,
 Persey cast them on those below.

  Perhaps why she never saw
 Ian watch from his balloon.
For the earthbound to see it,
Must spiritually attune.
Not unlike the holy grail,
Which only the pure may see,
And he hovered up above
In case Abbs needed to flee.

Paris was his longtime friend,
But Deer Abbey was his sis.
He had planned a fine escape
In case something went amiss.
He knew how Abbs loved her hues
And feared leaving them behind.
Brother was there stealthily
Just in case she changed her mind.

Did not seem much chance of that;
Abbey's eyes were on Her Dog.
Through the woods a melody
Came hauntingly through the fog.
The Lady Lyra Skerry
Sang a sentimental song
About how these two were meant
Together to always belong.

When Brogdar's stones are ringing,
And legends start to unfold
The faerie choir is singing
Of love that never grows old
Then Auntie Crow comes winging
As the Merlin has foretold.