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Abbey & Paris Love Letters

Deerest One:

Please be well.  Or yu must not let yur huemum scare us so with tails
of yur illness.
We have been in a panic of fear for yu.

We have concluded that We have spent too much of Our time in the
lieberry in
intelligent pursuits when We should have be perusing matter of the
hart.  We no
of yur huedad's lifelong protection of yur virginity but We must

We fear We both may be too old for anything overly physical but We
offer yu Our
devotion nonetheless.  If not in this, too brief, dimension, then in
the next, will yu
frolic with yur humble servant,  beautifull virgin Roil?  Will yu
pledge Us yur paw?

Walk in Beauty
Clan Pendragon

Lord, above, Paris, you make these old eyes have always had my heart and my 


Paris deer,

It has been brought to my attention that I didn't actually answer 
your paw question........................


Oh Abbey!

We are so happy!  Dew yu here the Ode to Joy playing in the
We'd leap for joy
if Our old bones wood let Us.

Are yu sure?  No pre-nup?  No book throwers?  Just yes!!!

When shall We post the banns?


Just YES!

Post your banns when you think best?  Will the Bann be the Beatles
Mickey Jaggers or such........?

Just kidding, deer one!

As for music I hear that trumpet from Princess Diana's 


Oh Paris, deer one, it was a lovely, lovely Valentine!  India and 
Mungo have filled Deer Taibets paw prints so very nicely.

It is good to know that our young ones are kind and thoughtful and 
have a wonderful eye for such beauty.


Deerest Paris,

Fatherdeerest was told today and mom thought his eyes misted
over............he smiled and said he thinks a drive to the Special-t
would definitely be too far for me to travel.  We must concentrate
deeply about the appropriate place............

As for invitations and such.......we still need to decide on a final
date.  The 13th day of either April or May is fine with me.  Whatever
you choose, deerest.

I will write more later..............not wishing to be rude, the
parentsdeerest just came home from the cow farm and they gifted Ali
I with giant COW bones............


Deer One:

The Witchling Grace has dun interesting nuptual researches.  We feel
that the wee Merlin and the Winter Wizling
need a voice in this so nothing is missed.  Do yu agree?  If so, We
will summon their good counsel.

How does a tour of the Auld Country sound to yu?  The Dragons' breath
might still lay heavy on the
land  but even that far north Spring will be in the air.  We can
visit the standing stones and neolithic
sights.  And,  certainly, any abbey yu wish.  The church of St. Mungo
is roomered to be most fare ..

But first, tell me, wood yu like to go to Scotland  while the
huepersons are rushing to file their taxes.  We cud
be sailing the North Sea before they missed Us.

Yur Paris
Clan Pendragon

Oh Deer Paris,

With all my heart!  Yes...............Scotland it is!

Your Deer Abbey

> However, I do have some worries about what happens after the
> and the honeymoon are over.......................

Where is it ritten that the honey moon must end?  We shall travel to
places and regain sum of Our youth -- perhaps even find the sekret to
There are 90 castle hotels where trained staff  and superior cooks
We two.  There are video conferences to keep in touch with significant
who live in Our harts.  We shall send back pictures and news of

Perhaps, if a small castle near an especially wonderful lock appeals
others, We can consult an estate agent about a long term lease.    

> Big Frank always wanted a GBHT of a Son.............

Wood he consider adoption?  Or perhaps a grandson?

Dew not worry.  We shall not be lonely.  Yur hueboy will soon be out
in the
and not need yu.  Lexifur sed she might cum visit but nose Our time
together is
coming to an end.

Again, Sweet Dreams.
Yur Paris

Paris my deer,

Yes, we do have lots of wonderful friends...........and I'm so 
excited over all the plans...........I've spent hours looking at 
bridal wear, head pieces and such..............and looking at images 
of all the old stones and haunted places of Scotland........and many 
more hours just dreaming of what this is all going to look 

And my wee Merlin, will he be wearing a fancy hooded cloak?  And the 
Elements?  The moon will glow, no rain on our 
ceremony...............the oak tree the giant stones and can it be 
possible to see a rainbow at night?

My blood came back and there are many pills that are being changed 
around and my diet is being cleaned up....................I think 
they seriously want to see a 17 inch waistline on me for the 
wedding.............Hee, hee......can you imagine being wedded to 
Scarlett O'Ily of the Roils..........heck, maybe we should look for 
Twelve Oaks?  Paris, don't worry, you may read lots, but your not 
Ashley, you are the dashing Rhett of my dreams.................

Oh I'm being so silly............please excuse this..........but it 
is such a beautiful morning and the sun is shinning and our special 
day is getting so much closer............and last night mom and I 
went for a walk and I floated on air.............................

I will make a list of the beautiful roil maids and famous matron 
cousin Caitlyn, after breakfast and nap time..........

And Paris deer, quit worrying about Talorgen, I'm anxious to meet 
him.............I'm sure he is a lovely boy...........and will do
proud................the ladies will all be anxious to meet 
him..........even the Russians!  (And that will be some 
sight.....................imagine the 4 Gabor sisters sweet talking 
to your boy...........oh my!)



There seems to be no shortage of Roils willing to distract yur huedad
so he
shouldn't be
a major problem.  Yes, We are blessed to have so many loyal frends
to make
Our wedding the social event of the Spring. 

Out IT is wondering about a date for the wedding. We informed IT that
wood be busy
ushering.  When We have a better paw count it may be necessary to get
ushers.  Or
perhaps a protocol expert.  So many titled Roils will be attending and
assisting in the

> As you know, going to the doctors is almost as bad as getting wet,
but I
did my duty, not
> only to have the premarriage blood test and photos taken with
beauty, but I
> dumped another load right on the doctors lap..

Yu knotty girl!  However dew yu get yur vet into proper position?  Yu
hypmotize him
with those beautifullest eyes.

Sweet Dreams
Yur Paris

Deerest Abbey:

The heather will have to bloom early so yu will have blankets of
flowers on
the hill sides and in the
Ring of stones.


What if poopsters were to tumble and dance in with baskets of
flowers?  The
flowers wood scatter
because they wood bee chewing the baskets.  Miss Linda has a hoard
shoed be old enuf.  Or wood
it bee too rough for the wee wons.  That heather might be wicked bad
on wee

Wicked stepmother came into Our room with a comb today.  We were not
and voiced Our
opinion.  Huedad helped drive her away.  Perhaps We shoed not have
mentioned the wedding to her.

IT has been dewing wonderfull werk keeping her amused and contained
in her
part of the Holdings.
He sat by the open door to keep the doves outside and her inside
We open the doors to warm
the rooms on sunny days.  We shall miss the sun in Scotland but the
of yur smile will keep us warm.

Sweet Dreams,
Yur Paris

Deerest Abbey:

Have yu noticed that the moon is near full?  That means in another
We'll be wed. 

We had a query frum won of the groomsdogs on the time of moonrise.
Had We decided on GMT?  That wood be easy fur everyone to check on
there computer.

And yu haven't answered on how yu want the banns.  We no yu are busy
with so many other detales but the magick time approaches.

Sweet deams
Yur Paris
Clan Pendragon

Paris deer,

You may decide as to what time to post for the wedding........GMT
be fine with me.

As for the banns, please post as you think best. You have always been
so inventive and to say the least, quite expressively clever
..............that I would find such word very difficult and would be
most pleased for you to make such choices...........

It is raining here and I must return to my deadcowchair to dream of
wedding.........and to keep my legs crossed hoping to hold back the
river until the skies dry.


Sleep weel, Dee Abbey, sleep.
The lang, lang shadows creep,
The fairies play on the munelicht brae
An' the stars are on the deep.

Yur Paris

Oh my, Paris, how truly beautiful...........
Thank you!


Hey tall dark and handsome,

You never cease to amaze me..........but I do have a question, is a
badger a ground hog?  Cause if it is, Big F. ain't gonna be
happy..........they ate his hole garden up..........and I almost
myself jumping off a cliff to kill one too......

The beavers can live in our stream.......they are fun to watch and
wild stags will be our natural tread mill.........

Now, may I please ask you another, more practical question, just
in the heck will Ali, Sonic, Motherdeerest and the Big F hang out in
this lovely picture?

Paris you paint a pretty picture, but we do need to be
practical............We need a couple of dead cowcouches, a recliner,
two computers, a his and hers, separate email addresses and lots of
canned air.............


Wedding Gifts For Deer Abbey
Thou Roil beauty dwelling in sylvan Apollo,
On the night that thy wedding is on us,
Laird Pendragon in The Rainbow Forest
We will go bounding to thee with gifts.
Thou wilt get an hundred badgers dwellers in banks,
An hundred brown otters native of streams,
Thou wilt get a hundred wild stags that will not come
To the green pastures of the high glens.
Thou wilt get an hundred steeds stately and swift,
An hundred reindeer intractable in summer,
And thou wilt get an hundred hummelled red hinds,
That will dwell in thine highland broch pastures.


We forgot thou art a modern Roil.  Perhaps something from here wood
better pleeze:

Remember the words of Burns when We enter the Ring of Brodgar

Till a` the seas gang dry.
Till a` the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi` the sun;
And I will luve thee still my dear,
After the sands o` life have run.

Yur Paris

Oh my deerest Paris,

I will truly remember these words.

For yesterday I was visited, not by my 3 crows, but by
4.................and my heart breaks a little more........for I

You came not when Noon is on the roses--
Too bright is Day.
You came not to the Soul till it reposes
From work and play.

But when Night is on the hills, and the great Voices
Roll in from the sea,
By starlight and candle-light in the Full Pink Moonlight
You will come to me.

Your Abbey

Deer Abbey:

Did the wee purple pup in blessed dogma Henna's happy family remind
yu of yur time in
the wehlping box?  Those were wonderfilled daze, all warm and soft
and milky.  Every time
We stretched We felt sooo much bigger. 

The menu, deerest, the one fur King Richard didst not meet with yur
approval?  Not enuf
roast highland beef?  We shall seek further.

We fear that Ms Hound was mightily annoyed with the snickering of the
young dogs over
the persuit of fare mades.   'Tis well Talorgen is on a qwest with
huedad.  She has always been
against displays of chauvanism and is quick to nip any dangles
attached to any rude dog. 
Must cum from always bean recognized fur her grate beauty rather than
her wits.

Dew not let the strange clock tricks of huepersons disturb thy rest. 
Sweet dreems.

Your Paris
Clan Pendragon

Oh Paris deer,
The menu is fine! choose what every your 
little heart thinks is best..........just don't forget the 

Awl, Ms Henna does have some lovely poopsters and she looks like a 
blessed momma doesn't she?

As far as I can remember, I lived in an igloo outside in the wilds
Virginia................but then on the other paw, I think my igloo 
was heated and the wilds had a big fence around..............but it 
was fun cause my mom had 12 poopsters and Ian's mom had 12 poopsters 
and Daddy Scoresby was strutting around with a big fat cigar in his 
teeth for months..........

Mom said she can't imagine, 24 Porter pups living in one 
house.................Ms. Janet is very lucky we didn't eat the
up, like the Russian girls did at the Snowfire house.

Paris, deer, I'm going to take a camera to the Doe 
party..................when you boys are not around you might be 
surprised at what Ms. Hound might indulge 
in............................................hee, hee!  Ya know
say those greys can beat us Scots and the Russians in any 

You keep on working with the menu, not
in making any changes or additions.........I'm sure all will 

When Talorgen gets home, he better gather up all the boys to discuss 
the Stag Party.................Maybe Ms. Hound will jump out of the 
cake?  (Mom said Ali is not permitted to do so...........)


Deerest Abbey, Lairdess to be:

The moon waxes! 

We are laid under the rose arbor which is sagging with bloomers and
watched the moon creep
crost the heavens. We have been watching it with grate
anticipations.  Tonight Our hart was so
full We even gave a wee howl - the neighbors are in bed and We didn't
want to arouse them.

Our played is back frum the washer and Ms Hound is attempting to
remove the fowel smells.
We are amazed at her energy level these past few days.  Perhaps the
moon is helping ease her
enigma illness.  She hinted at going to the doe party but wants to
make certain she has energy
for the wedding feast and an exhibit of her dancing prowesses.  Some
young dog may be lured
into her paws for a rousing paw de deux. 

We have pipers, singers and a trumpet.  Perhap a fiddler is also
needed to keep the younglings

Sleep Well Deerest
yur Paris
Clan Pendragon

Paris deer heart,

I too have been watching the moon creep across the heavens........the
time comes closer.

We must make big magic to heal Talorgen before the 13th.  I will not
let the night come unless he stands beside us.  Candles and dances
must be performed to insure his return to harmony.

Miss Hound, along with Whisper and Brianna are to sit with me at the
Doe Party..........we older girls will leave early for the young must
have their fun..........

As for the pipers, singers, trumpeters, drummers this is all good, but
I especially love a good fiddler...........

All seems ready, especially now..............the Wee one has passed
through poopsterhood with the passing of his 1st Whelpday and is ready
to take charge...........Hasn't Merlin turned into such a delightful young, but with such a wisdom of the old ways.

Sleep easy under your roses.............everything will turn out as
you have planned.

Your Abbey


When We were checking the swelling of the moon toward fullness, We
saw a star that reminded
of a poem that might send you to sleep with sweet dreams.  We wish We
cud send the sent of roses

    To the Evening Star
Appearing when heaven's breath and brow
   Are sweet as hers we love.
Star of love's soft interviews,
   Parted lovers on thee muse.
Their remembrancer in heaven
   Of thrilling vows thou art,
Too delicious to be riven
   By absence from the heart.
Walk in Beauty,
Yur Paris

You are such a sweetie................thank you.


Deerest Abbey.

The menu suggested by Grace is much fancier than what We had
envisioned based on
what that Auld king ate.  We thot of  bean served on trenchers. 
Howsomever, that is
of no reel import if yu have druthers.  We feel it mite be best if yu
wimmens decided on
the menu and service.

We are not proposing any toasts becuz of the doe and stag parties but
are thinking about a
brief farewell.  Were it not for the excitement of seeing the Auld
Country in the company
of thee, lovely lairdess, We might be anxious about missing Our

Now, as to Our departure, shall We go back to Blairquhan with the
riotus Roils who are
not traveling on magicks or start Our honeymoon journey after having
a good dinner? 

The pony cart cud whisk Us off into the mists of Orkney.  There is
the quiet of the Bishop's
Palace, an auld, auld hall house, where it shoed be quiet.  Or the
fully staffed Balfour Castle if
yu prefer to be away frum ruins.

We await the rising moon from under the rose bower as its light
sigknells Our time to be with
yu is closer.  We are sure the cent of the roses will be no match for
the sweet smell of yur furs.

Sweet Dreams
yur Paris
Clan Pendragon

Deerest Abbey:

Before all ye who are gathered here, in Body or in Spirit

We, The Pendragon, vow, that as Our wedded wife,

Ye shall be Our equal in all matters.

We pledge to honor thee above all others. 

That which is mine to give ye may have:

The first lap from Our water dish is thine.

The first bite of meat or kibble is thine.

Our love, Our life, Our death are pledged to thee.

Into thy eyes We shall smile each morning

Now, tomorrow, and across The Rainbow Bridge.