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I, Queen Charme, would like to set forth a few words of wisdom.  For
the Groom, for tonight and the fun.  Remember well, that this is a
celebration for you, and with your friends, of the joy to become this
next day.  I tip my brandy to your already warm heart.

For the bride, for tonight and for the fun.  Remember well, you have
chosen the path to happiness following your heart.  Do not falter, and
get your sleep so that you  may be radiant in the sunlight tomorrow. 
I tip my brandy to your eyes, always filled with love. 

And may I give great thanks to those that chose to bring you this
world, to our great circle, to each other, and to the great love you
two blanketed our world with.  In everlasting paws together, may your
wonderful ways multiply forever. 

My heart is waiting for the kiss. 
Queen Charme
