I worked a lot in the kitchen ... cause my toe is still tender
cause those kids are just frightful. No dignity tonight at all.
Hopefully all will really dignitied for the morrow. Even so I must
say, the lads are a grateful and loved and the food -- and Eclipse
absolutely outdid himself helping to get the food and drink out. He
was a hero and a half
I did party a bit myself .. it was way cool, but I will never repeat
some of the things I saw ... except to say that it was awesome to
meet all of you -- especially Lord Paris.
PS I did get the wooden spoons all ready
for tomorrow .. you can see
them in the roils FILES page. Miss Simone sent me one for an idea
how to make them. So I have worked hard on them and there is one for
every hound. (The little ones are for the Iggies.)