The Echo in the Hole

I bounce the echo off the black hole
Through the shards of time to you

The transmitter receives the package
Someone somewhere is singing something beautiful
….and I really just don’t care

Four five the walls come toppling over
Six eight floods sleep alone bridge below

Free the fire and let it burn
So I can collect the ashes in this flowerpot

Sprinkle some sunshine and sadness
Cultivate the stainless canopy

Watch it grow up to heaven
Climb the beanstalk to the hell below

Serve the walker sleep in a bowl
For we fathom sincerity in its nectar

The echo bounces yet again from the hole
To a sunspot right here in outer space

I can see the sweaty romance
Clinging to your side underneath the trees

But for the life of me I still don’t know
Why we cry for the happy crash my tears

So secluded ranting for a safe passage
Figure we figure can’t lust and can’t win

So now I close my eyes and remember stars fall
And wait for the echo transmission
To rip my tiny soul