Shadows of Mars

OK, so I tricked you all, this isn’t another one of my poems…shadows of Mars. I started thinking the other day, I have to thank Puff Daddy for showing me the light, if you can believe it or not. He showed up on the manipulation box preaching about the election and how we should all vote and give a shit. He even went as far as to sport a shirt reading “Vote or Die”….well Mr. Puff Daddy sir, I think we’re already dead.

Don’t believe me??? Well, take a look around, really, take a long hard look around. Our political system failed us, it treated us like two dollar whores with two scoops of cottage cheese, raped us after a one night stand, and left us for dead. What are we really voting for, can I ask you, I see elections now a days like cigarettes, sure, choose, Marlboro or Camel…does it matter, they both kill you just the same.

We’re standing like cultists, behind two men who can’t change anything. This is a country that humiliates us because they can’t facilitate us, they like to masturbate us but can matriculate us…and for what, in hopes to have their faces on the million dollar bill??? Admit it, we’re doomed.

Want a solution, I have one. I say to you Mr. Puff, or to you Mr. Maynard James Keenan, to you Mrs. Cockenberry or anyone else who wants to “encourage” our youth to make a move, I say the time is now, go ahead, make your move. I say, don’t vote, don’t even think about it. I hope that no one in this country votes come election day, how would those billion dollar candidates feel about that, how would our great diplomatic nation handle the fact that America is sick and tired of our leaders??? Admit it, we are in a dry spell, we have no jobs, no healthcare, no education, no hope, no future. We live in a country that wants to fight wars or fight over who fought wars…WHO CARES??? What are we fighting for??? Liberation of a nation in disgrace…I think we need to look at the real enemies, we need to look at the true disgrace, the war should be fought here.

I call for a revolution, a revolution of a country, a revolution of a state, a revolution of our hearts, a revolution of our minds. We the free men of the United States are not free…we are still shackled and cuffed to the bedposts as we are taken from behind and left for dead with the ghosts of our forefathers circulating in the air.

Take a look around you, what do you see??? I guarantee it’s not hope, I know it’s not. I’m not an anarchist, I’m not unpatriotic, I am the truth. We cannot succeed until they fail, we cannot find hope until they are discarded, we need to make a change.

Shadows of Mars…can it be any truer…we live in the shadows of the gods of war, I think it’s time we start this war.

P.S....The John is voting for John Kerry because he likes Edwards...Shhhhh...don't tell anyone.