What Was It All For

"What Was It All For"

I have stormed the gates
And I have rushed the fields

But what was it for

I have turned water into blood
I have built houses from the sand

But what was it for
Please tell me, what was it for

After all of your cars and your radios
Your light bulb tans and me
Nothing will remain

I have seen the storm coming
You will not be prepared
They are coming

Surrender if you will
And die if you dare
Fever pitched shrill through the air

One more time in the dark
cover your eyes and stare
But don’t speak a whisper

Carry your heart heavy
See what and look down
Fiercely cutting up the room

For all triumph must bring failure
Every failure brings happiness and a smile
Watching you die makes me cry

So sweet and joyful a sight
Guilty of innocence
You will never survive

For it IS truly madness
That we are left to coincide
Free to walk like children

Play with the puzzle with ease
Then say your last prayer
And maybe God will save your soul

He’ll put it in a pickle jar
Up on his shelf
Left to rot in denial

Watch as the others roam free
On the weekends we trouble
We shall pop and then fade

The lights are dimmer
Can you hear them coming on the shore
I will tuck you in now my child

Now please tell me, what was it all for