Sara's Poetry

Poetry 1998


I think elevators are neat
they lift me straight up from the street
they go much faster than my feet.

In case of fire I must flee
they say the stairs are where to be
because elevators catch fire easily.

Still I like elevators a lot
they're more fun yet after smoking pot. (alt. version:... after a somersault.)
stealing kisses in them I never get caught.

In every car there's a sign saying
how much weight it can be draying
so if your eleneighbor is an elephant
you might ask him if he'd get out and walk.

I'd like to be a superhero because I could fly up to the sun
and change clothes in a phone booth on the run
but being in an elevator is better luck:
I can fly straight up
in a phone booth
(but don't use the phone unless you are stuck.)

In the elevators on the corner of Wind and Tree
there are hash marks counting 53
marked on the weight limit sign taller than me.

What do you suppose they were counting?
Days stuck after an earthquake, a flood of a roof-top fountain?
Numbers of stolen kisses?

Rather than breaking ropes and burning fissures,
and falling frightened fishes
I prefer to think of kisses.

31 August, 1998
Sara S. Moore

Copyright © 1998

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