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What makes me tick? Why do I do the things I do? Why do I think the way I think? Why do I even care? If I had to describe myself to a stranger how could I make them understand me?

Let's see......
I'm a thinker, a dreamer, an artist, a writer, a half-assed poet and a part time philosopher. I'm a fighter with a warrior's spirit. I'm as cold and hard as they come. I cry. I am an old soul. I believe in true love, in hope and in dreams. I see beauty in everything around me. I love animals, trees, grass, and streams. I know how it feels to hate, and can dram upon that when needed. I've felt the joy of seeing new life come into this world, but could still yet bring one to an end if needed. I'm as vicious as a lion and as gentle as a dove. I'm as loud as a tornadoe and as quiet as a whisper. I have hidden in the shadows of the dark and danced in the rays of the light. I can do anything I put my mind to. I understand people in general better than most, and don't understand some people at all. I see things, hear things and feel things most people don't. Sometimes I just know things without knowing how or why. I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a voracious appitite for life. I realize the only truely important things in your life are the people around you. I am secure in my insecurity, I am a rock, an island unto myself I am confident in my abilities and I have known Love and that is why I do this

I am Scary Mean Guy