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Nervous, feverish, blistering pain
Standing naked
Screaming in the rain
Which is black, how is white
What is up, how does down look
Where is right,
How does left feel
How does it go?
I see through my nose
Feel with my ears
Breath through my toes
Why can’t my fingers smell you?
What’s happening to me?
Where did I go?
This pain feels so
My rage is so
Warm and cuddly
How does hate taste
I feel life I’m three
Shoes, then sox, then pants
Is that how these things go on me
Forgot to eat today
Have to remember to do it yesterday
How do you blue?
Where does green go?
Do you know?
Seething, festering, turmoil
Shouldn’t eat tin foil
Milk goes in the oven
And the sun comes out at night
I held my breath for a month
And I think I slept for three seconds

©Anthony F. Pepe 2002