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Our last day

Every day is our last day
We hear some people say
To live it like
It is
But it is
It may not be yours, but maybe his
You say not mine
It’s his, it’s theirs
But it’s ours
Even if it’s some other’s
We never know, tomorrow, next year
Next week
Could be now, I hear
Every minute every day
Someone passes
It’s ours; we’re the masses
Every day is our last day
We hear some people say
Sorry for your loss
They don’t know what to say
They hurt for them
But it’s ours it’s us
Every second tolls for every member
So don’t let that hand stop on your number
Don’t stop learning, growing, giving
For when this stops so does living
What are we waiting for?
We all want to see, do and love more
When one is lost, we all lose some
It’s not him or them
It’s us, we’re one
Every second tolls for someone
Don’t let your number be this one
When it comes to loss
There is no them no him or hers
In the end it is all ours
Whatever the loss
There is a little piece of humanity
Missing from me
Every moment is our last
Small pieces gone with each second past
When one is lost
It is our great cost
Don’t forget it’s over way too fast
Tomorrow is a promise no one can keep
Remember this as you lay your head to sleep

©Anthony F. Pepe 2002