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In a Perfect World

I'm torn, between the way I think things should be
In a Perfect World
and the way things are in Reality
In a Perfect World,
there is no hate, deception or war
But it"s not,
so where does that leave someone like me?
Do I wait for others to start to change?
or take a chance at being the first to change
despite the likely ridicule,
and failure
I have been known to react violently
to hate and violence
So, do I kill the rapist, because I could,
and probably should
or do I hug him, because I could,
and maybe should?
In a Perfect World,
Love is a god, and Peace rules all
But it's not, so where does that leave me?
Do I waste my talents and gifts
because they are not easily,
finacially lucritive
or do I create as much as I possibly can
do my small part to try to change the world
even if that change doesn't come for a hundred years
In a Perfect World,
90% of the wealth
is not hoarded by
10% of the population
so do I hoard and amass all I can, or
do I give freely, selflessly of myself
and bear the misunderstanding and ridicule
of the very ones I help
In a Perfect World,
we can all make a difference
but it's not, so
I get Frustrated by My belief that I CAN
In a Perfect World,
we can all help others
but it's not, so
sometimes I hold on to that last fifty seven cents
even when it won't really do me any good
In a Perfect World,
everyone understands and loves everyone
but it's not, so
do I condemn and ridicule those that
condemn and ridicule me
In a Perfect World,
Love is a god, and Peace rules all
but it's not
so where does that leave me?
I stand before you and talk of Peace and Love
I plant those seeds of thought in you, and
In a Perfect World,
those seeds will always bloom
but it's not
and some will try to block out the sun
that nurtures those seeds
so where does that leave me?
In a Perfect world,
Love is a god, and Peace rules all
In MY world,
Love is a god, and Peace rules all
But it's not, so don't get me wrong
Even I
have hate at my disposal if I need it
I have rage pushed down so deep, compressed so tight
you don't want to see it loosed
In a Perfect World,
I love everybody
But it's not
so don't try to block out my sun
or step on my Peace
because ,
I have Hate at My disposal,
and Rage pushed down so Deep
you don't want to see it loosed.

ŠAnthony F. Pepe 2002