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Soul purpose

I came to this world to feel this
My existence
Path of most resistance
Mine arms strengthened to hold
The tender Dove
Courage when I skinned my knee
To encourage not to flee
Patience earned
From lessons learned
When I learned to walk
For not to balk
Charms resisted
Till you insisted
Broken hands
For to soften on your lands
Broken ribs
Opened thy chest
To hold this
New heart
Blackened eyes
For tear filled skies
Hungry nights
For fairy flights
Bones left unset
For shared sunset
Every pain
Spent not in vein
Every tear
Shed not in fear
All preparations
For hearts relations
Broken dreams
Great gifts do seem
In disappointment
Came enchantment
A whole life’s course
So there be no remorse
For having taken that journey
To be left only
With me

©Anthony F. Pepe 2002