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Stereotyped a Man

I feel , stereotyped by the word man
Cosmo, Womans Day, Oprah, Dr.Ruth all want to
talk about man, think about man, try to understand man They want to teach and coach men to be
more sensative, more understanding, to be
better lovers
It's so bad they grade men on a curve
But they know nothing of ME!
I throw the curve for a loop!
I am the Unicorn, the Mythical one horned beast
that soared above and beyond
I am the stuff that KINGS were made of
I can sew you a dress, sew seeds in the garden,
and sew in you
I will hold you up when you are weak
but Never prop you up when you are meek
I can curl your hair.....and your toes!!!!
All before I cook you breakfast, lunch, dinner
and then Breakfast
as L.L. used to say
"I'm that type of guy"
Make you wonder where I came from?
If Men are from Mars?
and Women are from Venus?
I am from PLUTO!!!!!!!
I am NEVER too tired to Please you,
NEVER too weak to squeeze you,
and will NEVER be so complacent as not to tease you
I Will know when you are upset and why
and Will Know the way to ease you
I will serve your subserveance, But NEVER
serve INTO it
I will NEVER compound the fractures other men have laid upon YOUR psyche, and will ALWAYS own those fractures laid upon ME!!!!
I don't need to Prop myself up
by holding you down Like it like that!!!
Because I know the difference between making love, Having sex and Fucking
and will seperate them and use each as needed
I will make You more secure in who You are
by how secure I am in ME, and make YOU proud of YOU by how proud I am of YOU
that rises from the ashes, and rises from the ashes, and rises from the ashes
I Will MAKE you look for the OFF switch!!!!
I am the stuff that Heroes are made of
save you from the BIG BAD WOLF, protect you from EVERY Evil
Then let you Mother me like a little boy when you Need to
Make you THINK that I AM A GOD,
but let you KNOW that YOU ARE A GODDESS
I will take your breath away, and take your breath away , and take your breath away
I will do things To you MIND, BODY and SOUL
that you will NEVER forget
leave a mark
on your MIND, BODY or SOUL
I carry the stereotype of the word MAN, and for that I too Hate men
For it is thru the eyes of THIS MAN that I have seen the scars and fractures left upon women by men that have come before me
I look thru the eyes of a MAN to see men thru the eyes of WOMEN and see that which I am stereotyped as, labeled as, seen as
I am the Unicorn
I am The Pheonix
aside from now you will never hear me say this
I don't need to remind you of this
you will just know this
I will just show this
So before you call me a MAN, please first Recognize the Disguise that most Guys wear is that of a MAN
and this MAN won't be catagorized with those Guys that wear the Disguises of men
And if you can't Recognize their Disguise
call me anything
Just don't Label me a man
for thru the eyes of one that doesn't see their disguise
I would rather be called a
than called a

©Anthony F. Pepe2002