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This is just a theory
. .but theory as it may be
Let me try to show you
. .through my eyes the world I see
I see one race
. .one race divided only by space
. .and the color of a face
When we walked out of Africa not a one of
. .us was there
No English, Spanih, Scottish, or Polish
not Canadiea, American, Cuban, Puerto Rican, German, Lithuanian, or Russian
no Chinese, Japanese,Indian, or Mexican
No cherokee, Pakistanl, Afghanistani, Or Aboriginee
not a Mohegan, Chilean or Jamaican
. . Not even todays African
When we walked out of Africa, out walked a being possesing
the genetic blueprint for
All the faces on this rock
. .with the ability to adapt to
. .All the spaces on this rock
As we settled different spaces on this rock
. . our different faces did get their look
We've All dropped off alot of pieces
. .of our collective face
. .to adapt to our seperated space
. .Now,
But now they talk about the bronzing oa America
Racial purists talk about destroying gene pools
. . Mongrel races is what they preach to ya
I can't believe the things some people try to teach to ya
. .There is not One pure race
. .on the face of this rock today
But tomorrow
. .tomorrow maybe
Maybe Evolution has become Re-volution
America has been called the melting pot of the World
. . A little of this
a little of that
mix it up right
and maybe we can fix it up right
. .fix up the plight of the seperated
faces on this rock
Maybe if we can All come together in Equal parts
and pick up the pieces
. .of the faces we dropped
when we settled our seperate places
Maybe if we can All see Our face
. .in the face
of a single man
then Maybe we can come together
as Man
Maybe then we can join the places
. .that seperate our faces
Maybe then we can find peace
. .Peace in all the pieces that make up the face of
. .Our One Race
Maybe when All on this rock
. .can look upon one face
. .and see Their piece
Maybe we can find
. .that peacefull place
Now I'm not a religious man so
no second comming of Christ will you hear from me
But I am a spiritual man
. .so no disrespect to whomever your
. .God or Goddes may be
for lack of a better term what I see
is a second comming of Adam, maybe
. .This is just a theory

©Anthony F. Pepe 2002