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Words, by definition - from Webster,
word - an articulate sound expressing an idea
Oh, beautiful words,
sounds we make to express ourselves
words o' words
Those beautiful sounds, words
those sounds we've put together to enable
one another to inturpret our thoughts
Sounds, Ineturpreted
So where along the line did we
begin to interpret some sounds as offensive
Does a birds chirp offend, does thunder offend
does the matting call of a monkey at the zoo offend
does a fart really offend, or amuse
How do we choose?
A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet
But a womb by any other name is
OHH, is he gona say pussy?!!
we teach children as soon as they can talk
that the sounds a rooster makes are
pronounced, Cock-A-Dodle-Do
We say of raising said child
"Spare the rod, but spoil the child"
and if I bred dogs and told you "my bitch was
in heat so I brought in a stud"
would that offend?
But if my rod throbbed from the silky oral
carresses of my empassioned lady
would you offended be? maybe, maybe not
But what if some bitch in heat was licking my
cock, maybe maybe not
But then some stud stuck his rod in her but,
would then, thee offended be?
Come on people
get off it allready
They are only sounds
and let's face it
we all get off on the sounds
other people make when they come
FUCK ME!!!!! You see
That's what it is all about, Fuck
Fornication Under Consent of King, FUCK
Back in the day when you had to get permission
from the King to make Love
Now THAT is offensive, is it not?
do we all agree
Then why is the sound of the Word that
Represents such an Antiquated Concept
offensive to you
and not ME!!!!

©Anthony F. Pepe 2002