I'm sorry for hating you.
Stick my finger in my throught
it will all go away
the fat, and uglyness will disapear from site
Will a pretty girl be seen?
Cut my wrist, my arm and legs, just let me beat myself to death
it will all go away
I feel like dieing and I don't care who knows it
they wont help me
they should just say it
It would be better if I didn't exist, why shouldn't they I believe it.
Nobody wants me, nobody loves me
Why wont you see me
I just want one kiss,
One tauch one anything
But I'm not good enough for you, I'm not enough for a friendship or a lover
My arms are too bit and my stomack is too.
I want to let myself go just fly into hell like a good girl should.
Can my faith save me wen it comes down to the trigger?
Who will be there to mourn?