My Prayer

Dear Lord
If everyone in the world
would love You,
and follow you.
there would be no hate, no crime.
Wouldn't it be wonderful
to have world Peace?

Dear Lord
If I could give my Faith
to everyone who has less
I would gladly give my life
to save the hungry,
to save the faithless,
to keep the evil
from spreading.

Dear Lord
If we could just love
one another as you love us,
what a wonderful world it would be.
Some only believe in what they can see.
but Oh , Lord they believe when they feel the wind.
But, so many don't believe when you speak.
They doubt what they feel when you are near.

Dear Lord,
My prayer today is for You to have
mercy on those who are blind,
those who don't believe in Your Greatness.
Have mercy on the wayward,
Please bring your sheep
back into Your fold.

Dear Lord
Please have mercy upon the world!