The Ghost

There is someone watching you.
He stands in the corner of the room
in the dark place.
He's not scary, he's not mean,
He's just "The Ghost".
Maybe he's lost in this place,
maybe he lived here before you did.
He keeps you company when you're alone.
He speaks to you when you don't know.
He tries to give you messages
that you don't catch.
He blinks the lights and rings the phone.
He's lonely too.
He sometimes makes your TV turn off,
and your stove go on.
He wishes you would talk back to him,
just to recognize that he's really there.
He doesn't want to really be dead,
not just yet.
He means you no harm.
He tries so hard to contact you.
No, you're not losing your mind.
You're not imagining things,
for he is really there living in your home.
His spirit lives on and on.
When you feel a strange chill
and you sense someone there,
be assured he is.
I wonder why he doesn't pass on?
Don't be afraid because he's
just a friendly "Ghost"
living in your home.

original by
@Dottie Fontaine