Ghostly Place

There is a place
where ghosts do roam.
A place beyond our reality.
A place you can't see.

There is a place
that ghosts do go,
to gather together,
to meet their friends
in a realm of spiritual bliss.
We cannot imagine
this ghostly place
because of our lack of Faith.
But in a dimension all it's own,
there is a place where
ghosts do roam.

Sometimes the ghosts
do come to earth
to visit their loved ones
and to protect.
If you sense one in a room
be assured that the ghost is there
and very near.
They come to visit on your birthday,
or just to see another birth.
They come to visit
when danger comes
to help you over another hump.
They come to visit upon your death,
to greet you into that other place, the
~"Ghostly Place"~