Highway Angel

I was on vacation in southern Florida
and my two teens were there too.
They went out to get some apple pie,
and walked along the highway,
but no cars were passing by.
It was late at night.
He appeared as subtle as the sky,
a young handsome man with hair
as golden as the sun,
and eyes as blue as the sea.
His white shirt had a glow about it,
in the darkened street.
He spoke with words so softly,
that he could charm a snake.
He befriended my two rebel teens
as he began to preach.
He told them of their lives so true
They were so surprised.
He told them things that
no-one knew.
He told my son not to drink,
or take drugs in his life.
He told my daughter to express
her-self and not bottle up all
her emotions so silently inside.
These things were told to them
by this charming,
handsome gentleman.
He had no wings,
no heavenly things,
the way he dressed.
He looked as normal
as you and I.
In my fear,
I yelled at them to come inside,
from an upper window.
After-all, he could kid-nap my kids.
But, as I looked down at him,
I saw a glowing light
surrounding him.
His voice spoke to me
so heavenly that I just
said "ok" and slowly
floated away.
I felt at peace and went
to bed with a smile.
I somehow trusted him now.
He spoke with them awhile
then walked onto the lonely
highway, onto the neutral ground.
As they turned around
to say goodbye,
he just wasn't in their sight.
He disappeared into thin air,
without a sound,
without a trace,
into the night.
He had said his name was Mike.
My teens are all grown up now,
thank God they took his advice.
They tell their story to many,
those who can believe in
the Highway Angel,
who gave them good advice,
and still they call him
"Angel Mike".

@original true story
by Dottie Fontaine