Life Is Sad

Life is sad.
Everyone's seeking a little joy
and happiness in their life.
But, as the winding road unravels
we find that life is sad.
We suffer so many things as humans do.
There is disease, the starving,
the broken-hearted, the lonely,
the faithless, the murders,
and those out in the cold.
We keep hoping for just a little
happiness and we continue to seek.
Sometimes He throws a little
Joy our way.
He still gives us the option to pray
for more blessings each day.
Just when things seem fine,
we find another tragedy that
strikes a blow.
The lonely weep and the
broken-hearted painfully grieve.
The rich get richer, the poor
get poorer as life goes on.
There is only one solution to
the sadness in the world.
To follow your God is all.
Let Him lead you to the
straight and narrow road
that leads to another world;
someday to obtain Heaven,
the only true Paradise.

©: Dottie Fontaine