Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene
you were called an adulterer,
a harlot, and you were judged
by many to be stoned.
You must have felt so alone.
You were a sinner as we all are.
Even the cream of the crop
have sins that are hidden,
do things forbidden.
Some people gossip.
Some are so judgmental.
Some preach just
hell and damnation,
and forget God's forgiveness.
But, Mary, Jesus knew you
before you were even born.
He saved you from a painful death.
How lucky you were,
oh, Mary Magdalene .
To meet the Master,
the King of Kings
was a blessing eternally.
Mary Magdalene
what did you become
after he saved your life?
Why, you became His follower
and a woman purified.
Only a word from Him
and you were saved
from eternal damnation.
Mary Magdalene
how blessed you were.
Just to know Him, to love him,
to follow Him.
Mary he appeared to you
at His grave's tombstone
and showed Himself to have
arisen from the dead.
How lucky a lady,
a past sinner redeemed
to have been able to
see His Glory.
Mary you were blessed;
you were saved.
You are Mary Magdalene ,
a famous biblical woman.
You are his daughter in heaven.

Dorothy Fontiane