Unanswered Prayers

We thought we were in love. It was all in our mind. A fantasy, a dream for us to create a thing. Two romantics looking for romance. It was never real. The dream was real, the thoughts of love were too. I thought I really knew you, but that was just a lie. I used to lie in bed at night and over you I cried. I yearned for you, and I prayed to God too, to send me you. But, then suddenly you were there, and you're a really nice man. But, we were too much alike to ever win the game. We gave it that good old try and we un-raveled each other's nerves. You spoke when I was speaking and I cut you off at the curve. When I gave you a hug you stiffened as you were cold as ice. I guess that God-given chemistry just wasn't there for us. I wish we could have made it, I wish we could have been more than good friends. But, Destiny had a hand in it. I want to say I'm sorry for ever hurting you, and I even miss you sometimes when I feel blue. Thank God for unanswered prayers, because we would have been a disaster, if we were still together. You criticized me and I yelled at you. Just incompatibility was the truth. You're a nice person and I am too. Thank you for all the dreams we had and the inspiration you gave to me. For the dream man I imagined is truly you. The inner-soul I couldn't see in person. The romantic man was hidden under the pressures of life. that is sad, and I feel sorry for our plight. Thank God for unanswered prayers, even-though, we had the nerve to take the dare.

by Dottie Fontaine
to Dan