Within Me

I have left behind
all that is dear,
all that was mine.
I have traveled the roads
in search of something I can't find.
Why do I go on to another day
weary and worn,
and tired of all that's wrong?
Why can't the love just
fall into my lap?
Why do I have to wonder
what tomorrow brings?
Sometimes we have to work
for the blessings
of the Lord.
Sometimes we must
suffer for the joy
to come along someday.
I thank the Lord
for all the love that
I have found on earth.
And I thank Him for all
that I have learned.
But why when I lay my head
upon my lonely pillow
why do I cry for that
I have not found?
And why do I seek
for the love of my life?
Am I being punished
for my past sins?
Or is the lord
just teaching me
to be patient along
the road of Life?
I wish I had the answers.
I wish the road would end.
I wish that there would
be a rainbow with the
treasure along the path.
As I lay upon my
bed at night
and try to go to sleep;
I have a glimmer of
something of which
I truly find.
It is not hatred or anger.
It is not of which I seek.
It's a realization
of something new.
It is the love I have
within me,
I wish to give to you.

by Dottie
