Candles Edge

I peer at you through the corner

Of a sleepy, tired eye

Basking in your flickering glow

As the night drags on.

Dancing in melting wax

Your beauty and danger,

Mix well.

Liquid to Flame-

Half sleeping, half awake

Rendering myself powerless

You dance before my one

Opened eye.

Restricted by the glass that

Retains your solid form

The flame is I…

Pushed to and fro with emotion

The wax,

My Soul…

Melting from solidity of life’s confusion

The Glass,

My Life…

Limited to what I can see through

At most times.

The Radiance,

My blindness,

To see what I truly can project to others.

And I have a twin Soul

That can see these things also

I’m not totally alone,

Nor are they.

CMT 4/20/04
