Faded Paper Challenge

Blankly you stare out at me-
Always tormenting me , Daring me,
Haunting me to your challenge...
To mar your reflective glances..
Smudge your faceless gaze with
worthless lead and dust...
I always concede.

I too peer back at you
Words just escape my abilities...
Im always left to appear at a loss..

Today Ive taken your challenge..
Frantically searching for words
and lead to tarnish your haunting,
blank stare.
Faded phrases run rampant ahead..
as to not be repeated..
As are your impending desires
of me.

I boldly accept your Dare...
Faded Paper..
Faded Thoughts...
Faded Time...
-- Brings me back to square one
everytime I open your cover!

